DVD Review – The Cabinet of Dr Caligari

Each week FILMCLUB will be bringing you two reviews – a new DVD release and one of the classics that feature on the charity’s 4,000 strong catalogue.

And so you know exactly whether you’ll like it or not, the reviews come from kids just like you!

Below you can read the review of the classic film The Cabinet of Dr Caligari by FILMCLUB member Luke Welsh, aged 11, from the Sandilands Primary School.

And if you fancy another review, then see what we made of ‘Beauty and the Beast’ too by clicking here!

caligariThe Cabinet of Dr Caligari is an old movie from 1920. It is very confusing but once you get past the silentness this movie has a great storyline.

This movie changed the world of film because it was the first movie with a twist at the end. If this movie wouldn’t have been made the world of film might of been completely different.

The storyline was fabulous, but the picture spoilt it for me.

In the movie a man called Francis suspects that a man is Dr Caligari who was a mass murderer from the 1880s. Francis tries to prove that this man is a killer but other people think not.

I think everyone who loves movies should watch this because it changed the world forever.

Rating 4/5 stars

The Cabinet of Dr Caligari (cert U) is out on DVD now

Click here to return to the Fun Kids FILMCLUB section for more news, reviews and interviews!


FILMCLUB is a nationwide education charity and experts in film for young people. The initiative offers access to thousands of popular and classic films from around the world for young people and teachers to watch and discuss in their school film clubs.

Visit www.filmclub.org for more information.

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