Check out The Boy in the Dress by David Walliams!


It’s about a boy who decided he’d wear a dress to school!

boy in the dress packahotThe Boy in the Dress is the 1st book by David Walliams and it’s about 12-year-old Dennis.

Dennis looks like an ordinary boy because he lives in an ordinary house, plays football, goes to school and fights with his older brother.

But Dennis feels different to everyone else. His thoughts are β€œfull of colour and poetry”!

After his mother leaves Dennis feels really sad. The only things he likes to do are playing football with his best friend Darvesh and reading Vogue magazine.

When Dennis meets Lisa everything begins to change. She encourages Dennis to explore who he really is which leads to a prank that changes everything, and not just for Dennis!

You can get The Boy in the Dress by David Walliams right now. Click here to find out more!

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