The Only Bat in the World

Welcome to Story Quest, a weekly podcast where we bring your stories to life!

In this episode we bring Eleanor’s story, The Only Bat in the World to life.

If you have a story idea, you could be like Eleanor and have it turned into a Story Quest. All you have to do is send us your story idea here. We know you have the best imaginations and together we can create the most brilliant stories!

That’s just what Eleanor did. You can listen to the story they suggested come to life below, plus they tell us all about the inspiration behind the story at the end.

Listen out for brand new Story Quest episodes every Thursday!

You can read along to The Only Bat in the World below!


“Make way!  I’m the only bat in the world!!” proclaimed Billy as he SWOOPED through the trees in the glittering sunlight!  “COMING THROUGH!!” 

The rabbits and squirrels DUCKED as Billy flapped past proudly.  They thought he was a bit bonkers to be honest, not least as he had a lot of well, batty facts to share with, anyone really.  Anyone who didn’t move fast enough to get out of his way.  The wise owl of the woods had found this out to his misfortune. 

“Did you know that people think we’re blind but we’re not. All bat species are able to see but not all have the same eyesight.”   Billy said, knowledgeably. 

“You don’t say” yawned the wise owl. 

“In fact some bat species, like flying foxes have great vision and species that feed on nectar or pollinate flowers can see ultraviolet light…” 

“Fancy that” said the wise owl. 

“But here in the UK, bat species tend to use echolocation to navigate, hunt and ‘see’ the world.” 

The wise owl stifled another yawn.  Billy really did know a lot about bats, despite apparently being the only bat in the world. 

“And bats are the only true flying mammals in the world you know” 


“oh yes… and even a tiny pipistrelle can eat up to 3,000 insects a day.” 

For some reason the wise owl muttered something about having a Very Important Job to do and waddled off which was a shame as Billy had LOADS more Batty Facts to share. 

He managed to interrupt a conversation between two squirrels with his facts about bats. 

“Us bats can live as long as thirty years – did you know?” 

The squirrels didn’t know but in fairness it had never been important for them to know this particular fact. 

A lone mouse was next to be brought up to speed with bat news. 

“I might look a bit like a mouse but actually bats are more closely related to humans than mice!” 

The mouse thought this was actually quite interesting and in return for looking interested had to listen to another 17 or 18 facts about bats and as a result could have passed an  EXAM about bats, if there was such a thing. 

But to be honest, even though he was full of batty bravado, Billy was boring the feathers of the wise owl and anyone else who’s listen because he was… well… Lonely! 

“Why so glum?” said Roger the Rabbit who was munching on some leaves nearby and saw Billy mooching and huffing in a sad way. 

“I’m the only bat in the world.  Which is GREAT.  Obviously.  But it’s just… Its just no fun on your own.  No offence.” 

“None taken.” Chomped Roger.  “I’m SURE you can’t be the only bat in the world. Maybe you should go and see Mpop – you know, the vampire?  They’re usually expert in things like bats.” 

“In fact… said Billy, knowledgeably, “There is actually a variety of bat called vampire bats – they feed exclusively on animal blood.  Not that I’ve seen any.  I haven’t seen a single other bat in fact!” 

“Well even still you certainly know a lot about bats” said the rabbit who to be honest wasn’t that interested in facts about bats.   

So Billy set off to find Mpop the Vampire – He was a bit scared, after all vampires are vampires… 

In the heart of a desolate forest, hidden beneath gnarled, ancient trees, lay the vampire’s lair. The entrance, a dark, jagged cave mouth, exuded an eerie chill. Inside, the air was thick with the stench of decay. Flickering candlelight cast sinister shadows on the damp, stone walls adorned with tattered, crimson tapestries. An ornate, dust-covered coffin rested atop a dais, surrounded by scattered bones and cobwebs. The silence was broken only by the occasional drip of water echoing through the cavernous, oppressive gloom. This was a place where darkness reigned, and the living dared not tread… 

Fortunately Mpop was quite a nice vampire although he wasn’t particularly happy being woken up by Billy. 

“What do you want?” he drawled blinking from his darkened lair.  Billy advanced his knees knocking. 

“I feel like I’m the only bat in the world – I wanted to know if there were any others anywhere?” 

“What are you talking about? I see bats all the time!” 

“But where?” 

“Here there, everywhere!”   

Billy looked around, puzzled.   

“I can’t see any!” 

“Well of course you can’t – it’s the middle of the DAY?” 

What’s that got to do with anything? 

“Bats are NOCTURNAL – they only come out at NIGHT!” 


Imagine the sound of a rerally big penny dropping.  CLANG! 

Was it really as simple as that?  All this time he’d just been up all day when he should have been sleeping and sleeping all night when all the other bats were awake! 

He felt like a VERY silly Billy!  Of all the batty facts he knew – how come he hadn’t known THAT?! 

So that night instead of tucking himself up he stayed up later and later… 

As the evening sky deepened into a tapestry of twilight hues, what was that?  A rustle of flapping…. And yes BATS!  BATS EVERYWHERE! 

A troop of bats erupted from their hidden roosts, their collective wings beating in harmonious rhythm. Thousands of them soared, forming an undulating, shadowy cloud that danced against the fading light. Their high-pitched chirps filled the air, a symphony of excitement and freedom. Each bat, a tiny silhouette, added to the grandeur of the nocturnal parade, celebrating the onset of night. The sky pulsed with their joyous energy, a breathtaking display of nature’s exuberance and the bats’ unrestrained delight in the embrace of darkness. 

“Hooray!” cheered Billy as he swooped happily up to join them. I thought I was the only bat in the world!” 

The other bats laughed.  “The only bat in the world that didn’t realise he was nocturnal you mean!” and although they teased him a bit they were pleased to have a new bat buddy and were happy for him to join them.  And from then on, he took his place alongside the others sleeping all day and then launching into life as the sun set. 

And Billy’s Batty Facts?  Well maybe he learned that he DIDN’T actually know everything – and maybe others could teach HIM a thing or two.  Who knew! 

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