Everything you need to know about Jo Nesbø’s new book, Can Doctor Proctor Save Christmas?

Find out more below!

Can Doctor Proctor Save Christmas? is the must-read book this Christmas! It’s full of funny jokes but tells a very serious story!

The King of Norway has sold Christmas! He’s sold it to a man called Mr Thrane and thanks to him it looks like the holidays aren’t going to be very merry.

Mr Thrane says that the only people who can celebrate are those who buy 10,000 crowns worth of presents from his department store!

For anyone who doesn’t – or can’t – spend that much, it’s no tree, no presents, no carols, and no Christmas pudding. Christmas is cancelled!

​Doctor Proctor, Nilly, and Lisa aren’t going to take this sitting down!

They’re going to find Santa and save Christmas. All they need is a sleigh, flying reindeer, some time travel soap, and, of course, some fart powder!

Click here to get the book!

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