The Great Exhibition and Victorian Inventions

The Victorian times were very exciting. Every day it seemed like people were coming up with new inventions and making important discoveries…

Press play below to hear the thoughts of our Victorian friend Joe:

[audio:| artists=Emerald Star | titles=Victorian Times: The Great Exhibition]

To celebrate the industrial revolution and all these remarkable technological developments, Prince Albert and Henry Cole set up the “Great Exhibition”.

Running from 1st May to 15th October 1851 in Hyde Park, the event was massive with 6 million visitors! And in many ways the ‘Great Exhibition’ has now become a symbol of the Victorian Age and the power Britain had at that time.

So what kind of things were being invented in this time? To be honest too many to list here! And many are still massively important today. The bicycle, the postage stamp, the first tyre, the telephone, the light bulb – all these things were made in Victorian times.

Our personal favourites from the Victorian age though are the creation of jelly babies and the first ever chocolate Easter egg! Yum!.

Discover Victorian London in Jacqueline Wilson’s new book, Emerald Star. Click here to find out more
