β€˜True or False?’ book by National Geographic Kids is out now!

The fun-filled quiz book that kids and the whole family will enjoy...

Sort the fact from the fiction with this interactive game book, bursting with 300 true or false statements.

Quiz family and friends, bust common myths and clear up misunderstandings on everything from animals to science, space, food, music, sports and more!

Did you know?

1. Bats aren’t really blind! They have small eyes but they can still see.

2. Lightning can actually strike the same place twice – it can even strike the same place multiple times.

3. Everest is the highest mountain above sea level, but if you measure Mauna Kea from its base below sea level to summit it is taller.

4. Due to a law dating back to medieval times all any unclaimed swans in Britain belong to the King!

5. Electric eels really do produce electricity – enough to knock a grown horse off its feet!

True or False by National Geographic Kids is available wherever you buy your books.

Get your copy here!

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