Archives for: Deep Space High
Universe Handbook: Life in Space
As you might expect, when you're living in space life is very different to down here on Earth! For...
Satellite Crashes
As with anything, before you succeed you often fail. And in the case of exploring space, we've failed A...
About Deep Space High: Universe Handbook
Welcome to Deep Space High, your local inter-galactic school in space... but hurry because lessons’ are...
Listen to Deep Space High: Galaxy Gala!
Welcome to Deep Space High, your local inter-galactic school in space... but hurry because lessons’ are...
Marvellous Missions – The Farthest Man-Made Object from Earth
What’s the farthest man-made object from Earth? The Voyager 1 space probe was launched by NASA on the 5...
Top 10 key space missions
Top 10: Spacecraft Since Russia’s Sputnik 1 satellite entered space on 4 October 1957, thousands of...
What is space debris?
Junk In Space 1 First and oldest Vanguard 1, launched by the USA back in 1958, is the oldest piece of...
Top 5 famous satellites
Satellites Sputnik 1 Russia stunned the world in October 1957 when it announced it had placed the first...
Fizzy drinks in space
Are astronauts able to belch? Burps, or belches, are caused by a vibration of the upper oesophagus as gas...
Biggest satellite crashes
Satellite Crashes On Sunday 15 January 2012, Russia’s failed Mars spacecraft Phobos-Grunt crashed into...