Archives for: Professor Hallux

What is the sclera?
The conjunctiva is a mucous membrane that covers the exposed front portion of the sclera and lines the inside...

What is the retina?
Imagine that the eye is like a non-digital camera, and the retina is the film. Rays of light enter the eye...

What is the iris?
It changes the size of the pupil and allows different amounts of light to enter the eye. When people ask...

What is the pupil?
The size of the pupil is controlled by muscles. When more light is needed, the pupil is made larger and...

What is the cornea?
It's transparent and forms the outer layers, which protects the iris and the pupil. It also helps to focus...

Hallux’s i-Guide: Lens
The lens has a really important job! It bends the light rays so they form a clear picture right at the...

Never washing our faces?!
Here's what Professor Hallux has to say: Yuck! What a horrible thought! Your skin might not look that grubby...

Why do some people use wheelchairs?
Here's what Professor Hallux has to say: Everybody is different, and everybody’s body is different! The...

Why do we get butterflies in our stomach?
Here's what Professor Hallux has to say: Don’t worry, these aren’t real butterflies! It’s just the...

What exactly is earwax and what does it do?
Here's what Professor Hallux has to say: Great question! Earwax might look yucky but it’s brilliantly...