What has the Fun Kids Elf been up to?

Overnight something very magical has happened at Fun Kids.

An Elf has appeared but we have a bit of a problem! They are very mischievous and have been getting up to all sorts of things in the studio.

Everyday we will share with you what the Fun Kids elf has been up to right here.

Do you also have a cheeky elf? We would love to know what they are getting up to!

Day One: Teepee’d the Christmas Tree!

Bex left the pesky elf alone for ONE song and she came back to the Fun Kids Christmas tree looking like this!

Day Two: Quarantining in the sweet jar!

The elf has decided to ‘quarantine’ himself in the sweet jar…he better not eat all of Bex’s favourites!

Day Three: Using a Mask as a Hammock in the Studio

Umm…excuse me Mr. Elf but you can’t sleep up there! How did you even get there?! Is that a mask…as a hammock…this is getting out of hand.

Day Four: Making ‘snow angels’ out of delivery packaging

Ahhhh! We had a box arrive full of Fun Kids goodies…and the elf broke his way into the delivery box!

He’s made some ‘snow’ angels with the packaging…

Day Five: Breaking into the Fun Kids fridge

After a day off…we thought things were back to normal. But, nope, the elf is back and trying to break into the Fun Kids fridge!

Where will the Fun Kids elf end up next?! Do you have your own elf at home – if so let us know what they’re up to below!

What has your Elf been up to?

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