Pet Gallery


Here are a few of the pictures you’ve sent in of your pets!

Thanks to everyone who sent one in!

Check out some of your awesome paw-traits!

Gregory from London has sent in a picture of his cat Garth.Gregory says: “Garth is the best cat in the world – EVER! He is a good mouser and loves to lie on my tummy when I watch television. My Mum doesn’t really like him though!”
Pets-MischiefDavid from London has sent in a picture of his kitten Mischief.David says “This is my cat Mischief, he is well named as he enjoys exploring and finding new toys to play with. In his spare time he enjoys sleeping in strange places, including empty cereal packets!”
Pets BarleyAnita from Southampton sent in a picture of her rabbit Barley.Anita says: “My rabbits name is Barley and he is 10 years old which is quite good for a rabbit. His favourite food is Broccoli. He is a house rabbit and loves being stroked.”
Charlie from Smethwick sent this picture of his cat Daisy.Charlie says: “Daisy isn’t very friendly and doesn’t like a fuss. She loves ping pong balls and cheddar and taking socks from the washing basket and leaving them in funny places”.