Pet Gallery


Here are a few of the pictures youโ€™ve sent in of your pets!

Thanks to everyone who sent one in!

Check out some of your awesome paw-traits!

This gorgeous bulldog is Caellaighโ€™s, whoโ€™s 11 years old. Great picture!Caellaigh-Bulldog
This is Richardโ€™s one year old border collie, Sasha! She was initially unwanted because she is deaf, but Richard kindly took her in. He reckons sheโ€™s probably the naughtiest dog in the world! She knows 40 signs, but pretends not to be looking when she wants to be naughty!Richard-Dog
This cool dog is Imi and Kathyโ€™s pet! Sheโ€™s called Alice and loves to take pictures โ€“ in fact she was in American Vogue once!ImiKaty-Alice
This is Clive and Jeff. They are goldfish that live in Miss McSweeneyโ€™s class at Rosendale Primary School & Childrenโ€™s Centre in Herne Hill. There is a shark in their tank called Shaun and the goldfish magically change their colour in the summer holidays โ€“ very cool!mcsweeneysclass-fish