Recently Treehouse presenter Hannah got to visit RHS Wisley to see their Butterflies in the Glasshouse exhibit.
Until 26th February, you can see all sorts of exotic butterflies at RHS Garden Wisley. Watch the butterflies as they take part in courtship flights and feed from plants and fruit specially grown for the butterflies to feed from.
There’s also a collection of giant caterpillars so that you can experience the full life cycle of these creatures.
To find out more visit
Safe to say Hannah had a great day! If you missed her talk about it on air, listen again right here:
Part One:
[audio: | artists=Butterflies on Fun Kids]Part Two:
[audio: | artists=Butterflies on Fun Kids]Part Three:
[audio: | artists=Butterflies on Fun Kids]Check out this video to give you even more of an idea of what you can expect!