Ever wondered how your fridge keeps your food cold? Or have you ever sat back and asked yourself, what exactly is electricity?
Make sure you check out our audio series called Curious Kate, where we’ll be exploring the curious world of energy!
From cleaning your clothes to playing video games, we’re always using energy. In fact, did you know that the 500 million joules of energy a lightning bolt unleashes is only enough to power two houses for one day?
And so with the world growing, that’s a lot of energy!
So we need cool and clever ideas to help generate energy and also make sure it goes further, whether that’s wellies that charge your mobile phone or powering your home using the Sun.
Listen to Curious Kate as we find out about these ideas and also learn how we use energy today.
It’s guaranteed to get you thinking outside the box and might just inspire you to go and invent the next big thing!
You can hear Curious Kate on:
- Fun Kids Radio
- iTunes
- or listen to the series below!
Curious Kate is supported by British Gas Generation Green.
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