Here at Fun Kids, we have two managers who keep everything running – Gregory and Matt. They’ve worked together for over 20 years and with lots of different radio stations, although we’re pretty sure Fun Kids must be their favourite!
As well as all the fun stuff that happens here at Fun Kids, it’s also important to take care of the not quite as fun stuff – paying the bills, signing contracts and doing the accounts to make sure we aren’t wasting money.
We also need to make sure we don’t break any rules about what we can and can’t put out on air. The fancy name for all this stuff is ‘administration’. In big radio stations, you might have lots of people doing these things – even whole teams to do each part.

As we’re fairly small, Gregory does most of them himself, but we get experts in now and then to help us with legal stuff or complicated accounting.
Matt describes being a radio station manager as: ‘a bit like being a plane captain.’
“We have to keep the plane – or in our case the radio station, in the air – or rather ON air! But there’s lots of other things I’ve got to make sure are working as well. In a plane, they’ll be worried about serving dinner, ensuring baggage is loaded, selling duty-free shopping, making sure everyone’s having a nice time and even keeping an eye on the toilets! It’s similar with a radio station. There’s lots of things I have to keep an eye on to make sure we’re doing a good job, that people are having a good time, and also that the toilets are working!

As well as all that, Matt’s always trying to think about what’s next? Are there things that we should be doing more of – or less of? Should we have a new app? Is there something cool to do with smart speakers? Is there a live event we should be a part of?
Sometimes we have to spend some money to make things better, something Matt and Greg might not always agree on, but they both want the station to be as good as it can possibly be!