Military families are not that different from non-military families. Military families are made up of caring, fun-loving and dedicated mums, dads, children and pets that are not that different from non-military families – they just work around a career that creates a different lifestyle. At the core of what matters, military families are just like their neighbours.
Meet Daisy McDee. She is 10 years old and her dad’s a Royal Engineer.
That means he helps to build and fix things for the army.
Having a soldier for a dad’s cool, but sometimes it can make life different!
Maisy is Daisy’s imaginary friend. She turned up when Daisy was little and has been around ever since!
Maisy sometimes says things Daisy would like to but probably shouldn’t…
Being a military kid, sometimes Daisy’s dad has to go away for several months at a time, and that’s when seeing other kids with their dads can make her feel lots of tricky emotions.
Of course, being in the army doesn’t always mean just fighting wars! Most of the time, army members help people when there’s an emergency – like floods, earthquakes, famines.
Usually being an army kid means you live on army bases.
That might also mean you move around a lot, going to where the people in charge say you need to be.
That can sometimes be difficult too and might mean leaving friends behind – maybe even moving schools.
Either way, military kids do the same as you, just a few things are different.

Secret Life of Daisy McDee, in association with the Royal British Legion
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