Jack and Ella live near a busy railway line so they know how to stay safe around railway lines!

They call themselves ‘The Track Pack’ and they’re always helping to teach people how to be safe around railway tracks.
In this episode, they had to remind their Dad that jumping down onto the tracks to get something you’ve dropped is a STUPID idea! Especially when train stations have plenty of staff around that can help you.
Just because someone is an adult, doesn’t mean that they always know better!
It’s important to remember that although adults are much older than you, they are just people which means they make silly decisions sometimes.
It’s important to always think for yourself. If an adult is about to do something stupid – like walk onto a railway line just like in the video – then tell them why it’s not a good idea.
Just because someone is an adult doesn’t mean that they always know best.
Why is it so bad to jump down onto the train tracks to get something you’ve dropped?
It’s bad to do because railway lines are dangerous!
Trains arrive and depart from stations all the time, and if you were ever on the track when they do this, then that’s it for you!
That’s one of the reasons why there are always big yellow lines painted on the platforms at train stations. If you stand behind the yellow line when waiting for a train, then you’ll be safe.
Another reason is that if trains pass through the station at high speed, the wind gust they create could suck you along.
What do I do if I drop something on the tracks?
Always ALWAYS ask a member of staff at the train station to help you.
They will be able to get your stuff safely.
Can I join The Track Pack?
Yes! All you have to do is be safe around railways and tell others to do the same!
Find more from the Track Pack by clicking here.

You can hear more from Jack and Ella as well as finding out more about Britain’s railways by listening to the podcasts below.