In Sean’s Ships: Bringing the World Together, Sean and Robot are on a mission to sell custard creams across the world and with the help of the Captain, have been learning all about ships and world trade.
We’ve been learning all about international trade – that’s the way different countries exchange stuff. A bit like the way you might trade things with friends in Minecraft.
Let’s take a look at Fair Trade, what it means and how the clothes we wear are made.
What is Fair Trade?

Fair Trade refers to products like food, drinks and crafts which have been made, grown and harvested through a fair supply chain. This means farmers and producers are treated fairly. They will be given a fair price and have good working conditions.
Unfortunately, many products people eat, wear and buy in the UK are made by workers who aren’t paid enough to live. They may work in unsafe conditions and children, who should be in school, also have to work so that families can afford to eat.
Many people don’t always know where their products come from – luckily if you buy something with a fairtrade label, you can be confident it has been created fairly.
Fair Trade Cotton

Cotton is made all over the world, with India being one of the key growers. If a cotton plantation is Fair Trade it means workers picking the cotton buds off the plants and putting it into baskets are treated fairly.
On plantations which are not Fair Trade children may have to work to support their families.
When cotton comes from a Fair Trade plantation the Fair Trade premium means money goes straight into the community, meaning children go to school and workers can access things like medicine.