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Top 10 Facts About Diplodocus!

Discover the secrets of the Diplodocus. Check out these facts...

The diplodocus is one of the longest dinosaurs that ever existed, with its huge tail and slender body making it a memorable and awe-inspiring creature. This plant-eating giant roamed the Earth millions of years ago, and there are plenty of amazing facts that make diplodocus a favourite among dinosaur fans. Let’s uncover the top 10 fascinating facts about this long-necked dino!

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1. Diplodocus was incredibly long – almost the length of a tennis court!

Diplodocus was one of the longest dinosaurs ever discovered, stretching up to 27 metres (88 feet) from head to tail!

That’s nearly as long as a tennis court, making it one of the most impressive dinosaurs in terms of sheer size.

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2. Its name means ‘double beam’.

The name diplodocus means ‘double beam’ and comes from the unique shape of its tail bones.

These ‘double beams’ in its bones gave its tail extra strength, allowing it to use the tail for balance and even as a weapon to defend itself from predators.

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3. It had a whip-like tail.

Diplodocus’s tail wasn’t just long – it was incredibly flexible and could have been used like a whip.

Some scientists believe that diplodocus could flick its tail at high speeds, creating a loud cracking noise, possibly to scare off predators or communicate with other dinosaurs.

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4. Diplodocus was a plant-eater (a herbivore!).

Just like brachiosaurus, diplodocus was a herbivore, meaning it only ate plants.

With its long neck, it could reach leaves from trees and bushes.

Unlike brachiosaurus, which ate from taller trees, diplodocus was more likely to feed on low-lying plants and ferns.

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5. It had peg-like teeth.

Diplodocus didn’t need sharp teeth to hunt prey – its teeth were long and peg-like, perfect for stripping leaves off branches.

The dinosaur would rake its teeth along branches and then swallow the leaves whole, without chewing!

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6. Diplodocus had a tiny head compared to its body.

For such a massive dinosaur, diplodocus had a surprisingly small head!

Its head was only about the size of a horse’s head, which looks tiny when you compare it to its enormous body.

But this small head helped keep the weight down, making it easier for diplodocus to balance its long neck.

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7. Diplodocus lived in the late Jurassic period.

Diplodocus roamed the Earth around 150 million years ago, during the late Jurassic period, alongside other famous dinosaurs like brachiosaurus and allosaurus.

It lived in what is now North America, in an environment filled with lush forests, lakes, and rivers.

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8. It walked on four sturdy legs.

Diplodocus was a quadrupedal dinosaur, meaning it walked on all four legs.

Its legs were thick and strong, built to support its long body and help it move around slowly but steadily. Its front legs were slightly shorter than its back legs, giving it a unique posture.

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9. Diplodocus used its neck for low browsing.

Unlike brachiosaurus, which used its long neck to reach high into the treetops, diplodocus likely used its neck for low browsing.

This means it could reach across wide areas of ground, grazing on ferns and other plants without having to move its massive body very far.

Listen to Age of the Dinosaurs!

10. Diplodocus is one of the most famous dinosaurs in museums.

Diplodocus has been one of the most popular dinosaurs in museums for over a century.

The first complete diplodocus skeleton was discovered in 1878, and its long, impressive body made it a favourite exhibit.

There are life-size replicas of diplodocus in museums around the world, including one in the Natural History Museum in London.

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Diplodocus was a gentle giant of the Jurassic world, with its long neck, whip-like tail, and plant-eating habits. Its fascinating features, from its unique tail to its long, slender body, make it one of the most well-known and loved dinosaurs today.

Whether you’re a budding palaeontologist or just love dinosaurs, diplodocus is definitely a dino worth knowing!

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