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Top 10 Facts About Eyes!

Ever wondered how your eyes actually work? Check out these ten facts...

Our eyes are like the superheroes of our body, allowing us to explore the world around us in all its vivid colours and wonders. Ever wondered about the incredible features that make our eyes so extraordinary? From the magic of blinking to the muscles controlling our eye movements.

1. Our eyes blink 15-20 times per minute.

Eyes are amazing blinkers!

On average, they blink about 15-20 times per minute, adding up to a whopping 28,800 blinks a day!

Blinking isn’t just a reflex; it helps keep our eyes moist by spreading tears across the surface.

It also prevents dust and debris from entering our eyes and, surprisingly, gives our brains a little break by shutting out the constant stream of visual information.

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2. The colourful part of our eye is called an iris.

The colourful part of our eyes is called the iris, and it’s like a magical curtain with various colours like brown, blue, green, and even hazel.

The iris isn’t just for looks; it has a crucial job. It adjusts the size of the pupil, the black centre of the eye, to control the amount of light that enters our eyes. This way, we can see well in bright sunlight or dim lighting.

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3. We can focus on things SUPER fast.

Imagine being able to focus on something in just 1/10th of a second!

Our eyes are superheroes in that department. This super-speedy focus ability helps us quickly switch our attention from one thing to another, whether we’re reading a book, playing a game, or spotting a friend in a crowd.

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Learn how to protect your eyes below!

4. The cornea is similar to a camera.

Our eyes have a tiny camera built into them! It’s called the cornea, a clear layer covering the front of our eyes.

This camera-like structure bends and focuses light onto the retina at the back of the eye, turning the world around us into the clear and colourful images we see every day.

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5. Rods and cones help us to see in the dark.

Our eyes have two types of cells that help us see – rods and cones.

Rods are like night vision goggles, allowing us to see in low light conditions.

Cones, on the other hand, are responsible for helping us see colours during the day.

Together, they form a dynamic duo ensuring we can navigate through the day and night.

Professor Hallux is here to tell you exactly how our eyes work!

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6. There’s six muscles used to move one eye.

Imagine having six muscles working together just to control the movement of one eye!

This teamwork helps us follow moving objects, read books, and explore our surroundings without any trouble.

Next time you play sports or follow a butterfly with your eyes, thank these hardworking eye muscles.

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7. Our lens changes shape.

Just like a camera lens, the lens inside our eyes is fantastic at changing its shape.

This shape-shifting ability allows us to focus on objects at different distances, making sure we can see things up close and in the distance without needing any extra equipment.

Find out more about what’s inside our eyes with Professor Hallux!

8. Tears help to protect our eyes.

Tears are not just for expressing our emotions; they play a crucial role in protecting our eyes.

Tears keep our eyes moist, washing away dirt and germs.

They even have the power to heal small scratches on the cornea, acting as natural, emotional protectors for our eyes.

Find out more about why we cry!

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9. The optic nerve connects our eyes to our brain.

The optic nerve is like a superhighway that connects our eyes to our brain.

This incredible connection allows the brain to interpret what we see, recognise faces, colours, and objects.

Without the optic nerve, our eyes wouldn’t be able to communicate with our brain, and we wouldn’t see the world around us as we do.

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10. We all have a unique pattern in our eyes.

Just like our fingerprints, each person has a unique pattern in their eyes, specifically in the iris.

This distinctive pattern is sometimes used as an extra-special way to identify people, making our eyes one of a kind.

So, the next time you look into a mirror, remember, your eyes are as unique as you are!

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That’s the incredible world of our eyes, filled with blinking wonders, iris magic, and muscles that work together like a team of superheroes. As you go about your day, take a moment to appreciate the marvels of your eyes that allow you to see, learn, and discover the beauty all around you. Keep your eyes wide open to the wonders of the world, and who knows what amazing things you might see next!

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