Gorillas are some of the most fascinating creatures on the planet. These gentle giants share a lot in common with humans but also have unique traits that make them truly extraordinary. Here are ten fun and surprising facts about gorillas!
1. Gorillas are our close relatives!
Gorillas share about 98% of their DNA with humans, making them one of our closest relatives in the animal kingdom.
Their behaviours, emotions, and even social structures are strikingly similar to ours.
Embed from Getty Images2. Gorillas have fingerprints.
Just like humans, gorillas have unique fingerprints.
This helps researchers identify individual gorillas in the wild.
They even have distinct nose prints, which are used to tell them apart.
Embed from Getty Images3. They’re the largest primates on Earth.
Gorillas are the biggest of all primates.
Male gorillas, called silverbacks because of the silver hair on their backs, can weigh up to 200 kilograms (440 pounds) and stand over 1.8 metres (6 feet) tall when on two legs.
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4. Gorillas live in family groups.
Gorillas live in groups called troops or bands, usually led by a dominant silverback.
The silverback makes decisions, protects the group, and ensures everyone gets along.
Troops typically consist of 5 to 30 members, including females and their young.
Embed from Getty Images5. Gorillas are mostly herbivores.
Despite their enormous size, gorillas eat a vegetarian diet of leaves, stems, fruit, and bamboo.
They sometimes eat insects, but meat is not part of their diet.
A full-grown gorilla can eat up to 30 kilograms (66 pounds) of food a day!
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6. They use tools!
Gorillas are incredibly intelligent and have been observed using tools in the wild.
For example, they’ve used sticks to test water depth or to help them balance while crossing muddy ground.
This clever behaviour shows just how smart they are.
Embed from Getty Images7. Gorillas communicate in many ways.
Gorillas have around 25 different sounds they use to communicate, including grunts, hoots, and roars.
They also use body language, facial expressions and even chest beating, which can signal dominance or warn off rivals.
8. Baby gorillas are adorable and playful.
Gorilla babies are born weighing just 1.8 to 2 kilograms (4 to 5 pounds)—about the size of a human baby.
They cling to their mother’s fur for the first few months and begin walking at around 3 months old.
Baby gorillas love to play, just like human children!
Embed from Getty Images9. Gorillas can laugh and cry.
Gorillas show emotions similar to humans.
They’ve been seen laughing when tickled and mourning the loss of family members.
Their emotional depth highlights how connected they are to us.
Embed from Getty Images10. They need our help!
Gorillas are endangered due to habitat loss, poaching, and disease.
Mountain gorillas, a subspecies, have fewer than 1,100 individuals left in the wild.
Conservation efforts are helping, but they still need protection to ensure their survival.
Gorillas are incredible creatures with complex social lives, emotional intelligence, and amazing strength. Learning more about them can inspire us to protect these gentle giants and their natural habitats.
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