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Top 10 Facts About Tyrannosaurus Rex!

Learn about the mighty Tyrannosaurus Rex with these 10 facts...

Have you ever heard of the Tyrannosaurus Rex? It’s one of the coolest and most famous dinosaurs ever to roam the Earth! This mighty beast was a true king among dinosaurs, and today we’re going to explore why the T. rex is so awesome. So grab your explorer hats and let’s dive into the prehistoric world!

1. The Tyrannosaurus Rex was as big as a bus!

Imagine a creature as tall as a building, with razor-sharp teeth! That’s the T. rex. Its name means “Tyrant Lizard King” – and for a good reason. Standing at 12 to 20 feet tall and 40 feet long, this dinosaur ruled the land about 66 million years ago during the Late Cretaceous period.

Weighing up to 9 tonnes, or as much as two big elephants, the T-Rex had a massive head that could crush almost anything in its jaws. But don’t let those small arms fool you – it was still a super scary predator!

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2. They had huge, banana-sized teeth.

One of the coolest things about the T-Rex is its teeth. Each one could grow to be about 12 inches long—as long as a ruler! These teeth were not only huge but serrated like a steak knife, which made them perfect for chomping through meat.

The T-Rex had around 60 teeth in its mouth at once, and if one broke, don’t worry, it would grow a new one!

This fearsome dino didn’t just bite; it crushed its prey. Its bite was so powerful, scientists think it could crush bones to get every last bit of food.

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3. The Tyrannosaurus Rex loved meat.

T-rex wasn’t a picky eater – it loved meat! It was a carnivore, which means it ate other dinosaurs. Some of its favourite meals might have been plant-eaters like Triceratops or Edmontosaurus. With its powerful legs, the T-Rex could run up to 20 miles per hour, which made it one of the fastest large predators in its time!

But here’s a cool fact: scientists think that T. rex might not have been just a hunter. Some believe it could also have been a scavenger, meaning it would eat the leftovers from other dinosaurs’ meals or dead animals it found lying around. Talk about a beast with an appetite!

4. Their arms were tiny but quite mysterious!

We’ve all noticed the T-Rex’s tiny arms, right?

For a dinosaur so big, those little arms are super funny-looking. But no one really knows for sure what they were used for.

Some scientists think the T-Rex used its arms to grab onto prey, while others think they were too short for that and had other uses, like helping it stand up after resting.

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5. The Tyrannosaurus Rex could smell from miles away.

If the T-Rex didn’t see or hear its prey first, it could smell it from miles away!

It had an excellent sense of smell, thanks to its large olfactory bulbs (the part of the brain responsible for smell). This gave the T-Rex a huge advantage as both a hunter and a scavenger – it could find its next meal just by following its nose!

6. A baby T-Rex was as small as a turkey.

Believe it or not, every terrifying T-Rex started out as a tiny hatchling!

When a baby T-Rex was born, it was only about 3 feet long, about the size of a turkey. But don’t be fooled – these little dinosaurs grew super fast! By the time they were teenagers, they could be up to 20 feet long.

In just a few short years, T-Rex babies grew into massive, powerful adults. Scientists think they packed on 1,500 pounds per year during their growth spurts!

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7. They fought plant eating rivals!

The T-Rex had very few enemies, but it wasn’t always smooth sailing for this giant predator. One of its rivals might have been the Triceratops, a three-horned plant-eating dinosaur with a huge frill on its head. Even though Triceratops wasn’t a meat-eater, its large horns could have helped it defend itself from predators like the Tyrannosaurus Rex. Imagine a fierce battle between these two!

Some other dinosaurs that roamed around at the same time as T-Rex include the Ankylosaurus, a heavily armoured dinosaur with a clubbed tail, and the duck-billed Hadrosaur. But even though these plant-eaters were tough, the T-Rex still reigned supreme!

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8. The T-Rex went extinct with the dinosaurs.

The mighty T-Rex didn’t survive forever. Around 66 million years ago, a massive asteroid hit Earth, causing a catastrophic event that led to the extinction of almost all dinosaurs. This event, called the Cretaceous-Paleogene Extinction, wiped out about 75% of all species on Earth.

But even though T-Rex is long gone, it’s left behind something really cool – fossils! Thanks to these fossils, we’ve been able to learn all about T-Rex’s body, behaviour, and even how it lived millions of years ago.

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9. T-Rex might have had feathers.

This is one of the most exciting new discoveries in the dino world!

Some scientists believe that baby T-Rex might have had feathers to keep warm, kind of like baby birds today.

As they grew older, they might have lost these feathers.

We don’t know for sure if the adult T-Rex had feathers, but the idea of a fluffy T-Rex is quite cute!

Read Top 10 Facts About Dinosaurs!

10. They had hollow bones!

Even though the T. rex was massive, it had hollow bones, similar to modern birds. This made its skeleton lighter and helped it move faster, especially given its size.

This bird-like feature is one of the reasons scientists believe that birds are distant relatives of dinosaurs like the T-Rex!

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The Tyrannosaurus Rex was truly the king of the dinosaurs, with its enormous size, powerful jaws, and razor-sharp teeth. Even though it went extinct millions of years ago, the T-Rex still captures our imagination and reminds us how incredible the world of dinosaurs once was. Whether it’s fighting other dinos, scavenging for food, or stomping across the land, the T-Rex will always be a dino legend!

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