Bex and Dan are on a road trip finding out what makes a great road.
From old cobbly roads to busy modern streets, there’s lots to think about! So what makes a great road?
Roads are always changing – and that’s because the way they’re used is always changing.
You don’t need to be a whizz at history to understand – because the best roads do a bunch of BASIC things!
They need to be useful, like being in the right place and going in the right direction! Market squares were originally built in the centre of the village – and was an easy walk for the villagers who lived nearby.
Another requirement for a great road is to make it a pleasant place to be – keeping everyone safe and being good to the environment.
Today it’s more important than ever to think about pollution around roads, especially around where people live, work and play. A changing world means roads need to change too.
Roads should be easy to understand. When these cobbly roads were built, there wouldn’t have been many other roads around, and the signs would have been very simple to read.
With over 30 million cars on the road, sharing them with pedestrians and cyclists, it’s more important than ever that people understand where they can go and where they’re not allowed to go – to keep everyone safe and sound.
A road SHOULD fit in to its surroundings and be a nice place through which to travel.
A modern road might look rather strange in this old part of town. People spend a lot of time using roads, and the nicer they are, the healthier and happier people will be!