Here’s the script for this episode of Where in the World: Spain all about the history of Spain.
Hola! ¿Cómo te va todo? That means “Hello, how are you?” in Spanish! As you might have therefore guessed, I’m in Spain with another crazy riddle for you to solve. And it looks like it’s all about the history of this beautiful country. Have a listen – what do YOU think it could be about?
A melting pot that set the stage for history across the age!
I’m going to start my search in Mérida!
Now, Merida isn’t just a character from a movie, it’s the name of a very old town. It was founded in 25 BC by the Romans – that’s over two THOUSAND years ago. Its original name was Emerita Augustus which meant the Soldiers of Augustus. You’ll find more roman monuments here than in any other city in Spain, including a beautiful arch and an amazing amphitheatre which you can visit.
Just imagine all the sights and sounds from all those years ago! It’s a really interesting archaeological site, magnificently conserved. Now the riddle was about “setting stages”. If you want a stage, the amphitheatre’s the most impressive one in Spain! Perhaps Meriva is the answer to the riddle?
Oh dear! Well let’s try somewhere else. Hmmm! I know just the place!
We’re in Avila! Not far from Madrid, the capital of Spain. Avila is packed with history from the Middle Ages with monasteries and convents, busy market streets and amazing city walls. It’s like stepping back in time!
And like many places in Spain, the food here is delicious! As well as tapas, which you will find all over Spain, Avila is famous for its sweets, biscuits chocolates and cakes. Yum! Look out for the famous Avila “yemas” – they’re sweets made out of egg yolks. Hey! The riddle mentioned pots and you can’t make tasty cakes without pots and pans. So is Avila the answer to our riddle?
Hmmm! OK then, I have one more place up my sleeve. Vaminos! Let’s go!
This is Toledo, a real urban museum with more than 2,000 years of history on display. For centuries, Muslims, Jews and Christians lived together in harmony here meaning sometimes it is called The City of Three Cultures. There’s a real mix of history in its narrow streets and small squares. I wonder if I have time for some shopping? The old city is located on a mountain top and it has beautiful views of the Tagus River. There’s something else Toledo is famous for. Here’s a clue…
Toledo is famous for its steel, especially in swords. Now the riddle said “A melting pot that set the stage for history across the age!” Now to forge the steel they’d have needed very big melting pots! And all those different cultures living together you could say was a kind of melting pot too. So is Toledo the answer?
Brilliant! We solved the puzzle! See you next time for more enigmas from Espana! ¡Adios.
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