Foggy mornings, misty breath, the sun low in the sky, and crisp, crunchy, orange leaves!
September has arrived and that means it’s the start of autumn.
There are loads of weather changes for the season ahead and that’s always a good excuse to get all cosy and warm!
Here are ten reasons autumn is totally the best season!
1. Crisp, crunchy leaves!
( by Alisa Anton)
As trees go into hibernation to get ready for winter, their leaves change colour and drop off.
2. Loads of awesome colours…
( by Autumn Mott)
All of that colour-changing looks pretty beautiful!
3. …including golden autumn glow at dawn…
( by Wojciech Święch)
The sun rises in later in the day meaning we can see more of those gorgeous sunrises1
4. …and the auburn glow at sunset!
( by Simon Wilkes)
And because it sets earlier, we also get to see those stunning sunsets!
5. Halloween!
( by Beth Teutschmann)
Halloween means chocolate, sweets, and spooky costumes!
It means carving a pumpkin into a super scary Jack O’Lantern and shouting “BOO!” at grown-ups!
6. Pumpkin Spice Lattes!
( by Toa Heftiba)
Speaking of pumpkin, autumn is a great excuse to get some nice warm drinks down you, like Pumpkin Spice Latte…
7. Feeling cosy inside on a rainy day!
( by Luca Bravo)
There’s also loads of rain – around 30cm of it over the entire season! This is totally a great excuse to never leave your bed.
(Maybe grab a PSL and watch some TV?)
8. Comfy clothes and sweaters!
( by Samuel Foster)
The average temperature across autumn is 9.45ºC which means sweaters!
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