The nights are drawing in and some of the best events of the year are still to come – Halloween and Bonfire Night!
It’s important that whatever you do for these events, you stay safe.
That’s why Fireman Sam has made a list of his top safety tips for Halloween and Bonfire Night.
Check them out below!
Halloween Safety tips:
Out and about
If you’re having fun trick or treating in the dark, wear bright and colourful clothes so that you can be seen by cars and other people. You could wear some glow sticks to help you stand out!
Hold a torch to make sure you can see where you’re going.
Spooky masks are fun to wear indoors, but outside they can make it difficult to see and hear the traffic around you. Leave your mask at home and try some scary face-paint instead!
When you’re crossing the road, STOP, LOOK AND LISTEN. Stay close to your grown-up and pay close attention.
Put toys and phones away when you’re out and about so you can focus on keeping safe and having fun!
Hold hands with your grown-up and stay close by them!
Fire safety tips
Look out for flames and keep safely back. You can spot them in bonfires, candles, lanterns and lit pumpkins. Keep any long, floaty bits of your costume away from flames.
Wear clothes under your costume to help protect your skin and keep you warm!
If you do catch your costume on a flame, don’t panic – STOP, DROP, and ROLL:
o STOP what you are doing.
o DROP to the ground and cover your face with your hands.
o ROLL over and over to put out the flames.
Practice your STOP, DROP, and ROLL before you go trick or treating and before your party. Get your friends to try it, too!
Hold a torch to make it easy for drivers to see you.
Tell a grown-up if you spot candles, lanterns, or lit pumpkins near paths or steps where someone might trip or fall. But don’t try to move them yourself.
Look for fun decorations and candles that have batteries instead of flames!
Other safety tips
Ask a grown-up to help you carve your pumpkin. Knives are sharp and carving can be tricky, so take care!
You could have fun painting your pumpkin instead, or create a design using marker pens and stick-on decorations!
Save your treats to enjoy at home. Walking and running with sweets and lollies can make you choke.
Firework and Bonfire Safety tips:
Fireworks are exciting, but they can be very dangerous. Listen to your grown-up about where is a safe place to stand.
Keep your sparkly sparkler safely away from other people and don’t run with them.
Wear your gloves when you hold sparklers and keep them away from your body.
Once sparklers are finished, put them into a bucket of water, don’t pick them back up.
Leave your dressing up clothes at home on fireworks night, wrap up warm instead.
Stand at a safe distance from the bonfire and stay close to the grown-ups.
Don’t be tempted to throw things into the bonfire or poke at it with sticks.
If you’re going to a firework display, hold hands with your grown-up and stay with them all the time.
Find out more about Halloween and Bonfire night Safety at the Fireman Sam Safety Hero School hub at
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