See the International Space Station this weekend!

Follow these simple steps to watch the International Space Station fly by!

If you are in London this weekend you might get a chance to see the International Space Station as it passes overhead!

The International Space Station is a large space craft that orbits earth. It is important because it means that scientists who are doing important research can gather more information that improves our life on earth.

To see the International Space Station, go outside a few minutes before and find a location that has a good view of the sky overhead and that has a very small amount of light – make sure you are accompanied by a parent or guardian.

Once you have found your perfect location, face to the west, look up at the stars and wait for the space station to fly by! It will look like a fast flying star in a straight line.

You should be able to see the space station for up to 4 minutes, depending on your location.

The International Space Station can be seen clearly at these times…

  • Friday 1st February – 5:55pm
  • Saturday 2nd February – 5:03pm
  • Sunday 3rd February – 5:50pm

Just in case you miss it, you can also catch The International Space Station on some other days (but not as clearly!)

  • Monday 4th February – 4:58pm
  • Tuesday 5th February – 5:42pm
  • Wednesday 6th February – 4:52pm

Don’t forget to give it a wave!

If you’re interested in the International Space Station and what life on board is like, you might be interested in the Science Weekly podcast!

Every week Dan looks at some of the coolest things in science and has had a chat with astronaut Tim Peake about life in space.

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