Hear Jacob Sartorius’ new tune, Cozy, on the radio!

Find out how you can hear it below!

Jacob’s got a brand new tune and we just can’t stop listening to it!

It’s called Cozy and it’s the perfect winter hit.

It’s all about getting close to someone and having a relaxing evening in front of the fireplace!

Jacob has over 15 million fans on musical.ly and we’ve played Skateboard loads.

Fun Kids breakfast presenter Sean spoke with Jacob when he was on tour!

Click here to watch Sean chat to Jacob!

We love Cozy so much that we’ve added it to the Fun Kids playlist, meaning you can hear more of it on air!

How to listen to Fun Kids Radio...

📻   Fun Kids is on DAB Digital Radio in the UK! 🚗🏠

📱   Download the FREE Fun Kids app!

💻   Listen online - click to listen live!

🔊   Ask your smart speaker to "play Fun Kids"!


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