Download Techno Mum free podcast from Fun Kids!

Techno Mum explains how stuff works!

Are you always wondering how stuff works?

Techno Mum is here to answer all your tech questions – and tell us how our gadgets actually work!

Click here to get Techno Mum on iTunes!

How can your PlayStation tell what the controller’s doing? How do tablets know when you’re touching the screen?

You can find out more about what’s behind the cool technology that we use every day!

Get the series on your phone or tablet and listen whenever you like – at home or in the car!

You can subscribe to the Techno Mum podcast channel for FREE in:

…or you can listen here:

How to listen to Fun Kids Radio...

πŸ“»   Fun Kids is on DAB Digital Radio in the UK! πŸš—πŸ 

πŸ“±   Download the FREE Fun Kids app!

πŸ’»   Listen online - click to listen live!

πŸ”Š   Ask your smart speaker to "play Fun Kids"!


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