Win a Pop Up Pirate game with Fun Kids Pirate Radio!

Place yer entry below if ye fancy winnin'...

Why are pirates called pirates? Because they arrrrrrr!!

It’s National Talk Like A Pirate Day on Thursday so we’ve set up our own pirate radio station, playing songs from pirates all day long!

Just download the free Fun Kids app and tune into Fun Kids Pirate Radio all day…

…otherwise we might make you walk the plank!

Listen here!

Arrr! We’re givin’ away a Pop Up Pirate game so ye can live yer finest pirate life, matey!

Want to sail away with the loot? Then answer this here question for yer chance…

What sort o’ creature be usually restin’ on a pirate’s shoulder?

A. Parrot

B. Monkey

C. Cat

Competition closes midday on Monday 23rd September, 2024.
Remember to always ask a parent or guardian before filling in forms online.

Competition Form (Pirate)

Parent’s Details


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